Vicky The Rockstar Title Logo Released
Based on the true events of everyone's life, Vicky The Rockstar is the film being made with great production values. CS Ganta is directing, while Flight Lieutenant Srinivas Nuthalapati(IAF) is producing the film under the banner of Studio87 Productions. Mrs. Vardhini Nuthalapati presents the movie. Subhash and Charitha are the executive producers. Sunil Kashyap who composed music for many hit movies renders soundtracks for this movie. Cinematography is by Bhaskar.
Vikram, Amrutha Chowdary are the lead cast, while Riya Gudivada, Sahithi, Nanaji, Raviteja, Vishal, Vamshi and Lavanya Reddy are playing key roles in the movie. The makers are raising the hype on the film with aggressive promotions, although post-production works are underway. Meanwhile, the film’s title logo and video which are out now augmented the expectations. It’s a first of its kind subject and genre for Tollywood with revolutionary thoughts based on music.
Vicky The Rockstar's title logo that reflects the story of the film is very unique. The way the title is designed in red colour is very impressive. The video released by the team is also captivating the audience. The makers will be announcing the release date of the film along with First Look soon.
Technical Crew:
Director: CS Ganta
Banner: Studio87 Productions
Producer: Flight Lieutenant Srinivas Nuthalapati(IAF)
Executive Producers: Subhash, Charitha
Music: Sunil Kashyap
Cinematographer: Bhaskar
Editor: Pradeep Jambiga
Production Executive: Shyamala Chandra
Designer: TSS Kumar
PRO: Sai Satish, Parvataneni Rambabu