OMTV Adds JAIN specific content to Up Audience Reach

 - Sakshi Post

'Ahimsa Parmo Dharma'’ is not merely a term for Jains; it is a way of life, and OMTV is using its platform to promote this idea and knowledge of Jainism throughout society. 

India is a land of many festivals, and celebrations occur throughout the year. However, the four-month period beginning with Shravan is the most significant in Sanatan Dharma, as this is when the most important festivals of the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain faiths are celebrated.

The great gurus, sages, and Sannyasis of India have all endeavoured to preach peace and love to all living beings. To commemorate the concept of nonviolence, Jainism's spiritual leaders have this yearly event of “vyakhyaan”.

The platform will broadcast the knowledge and teachings of Jainism's greatest gurus in real time. Lord Mahavir's teachings will be disseminated by diverse gurus from all throughout India. OMTV is aggregating the live feeds of several gurus from various regions of India so that anyone in the world can view the ‘vyakhyan’ on the OMTV mobile application.

Chaturmas is characterised as ‘Vihar Chariya Isinam Pasattha’ by Lord Mahavir. The four months Shravan, Bhadrapada, Ashwin, and Kartik comprise the sacred period of Chaturmas in the Hindu calendar. It begins with Devshayani Ekadashi (Ashadhi Ekadashi) and culminates with Prabodhani Ekadashi. It is a season of devotion, penance, and spiritual pursuits. According to Jainism, all insects and microorganisms that are not visible to the naked eye become extremely active during the monsoon season. In such a scenario, these creatures may be damaged owing to the excessive human movement. The most significant Jain holiday, Paryushan, is observed in chaturmas. OMTV aims to introduce these concepts to the world's youth.

The principle of OMTV channel is ‘Gyan Bhi Garva Bhi’, following the path of our ideology, the goal of the channel is to make the masses aware about India's culture. Not only Jains but all the sanatanis around the world can benefit from these teachings. According to Nitin Jai Shukla, Founder of OMTV there are plans to include more Jain content in the near future. He said “I will present the journey of the sacrifice and spirituality of 23rd Tirthankar of Jainsim, Lord Parshvanath. The motive of showcasing the story of Lord Parshvanath is so that people can learn from his life. Our show ‘understanding Jainism’ will be a 10-part series where we will touch almost all aspects of understanding this religion. There is a documentary which is also in the pipeline for acharya Vidyanagar ji Maharaj.”

With the broadcast of this ‘JAIN MAHAPARV’ LIVE event, OMTV makes a grand entry into the Jainism content space and takes a step towards fulfilling its commitment of spreading knowledge on sanatan dharma which includes Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism and Sikhism. 

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