Fan War Begins Between Bindhu Madhavi and Akhil Followers on Social Media

The days in the Bigg Boss Telugu OTT house are passing quickly, and the housemates in the glass house are entertaining the viewers with their antics. As you all know, in the Bigg Boss house, contestants knowingly or unknowingly get divided into groups and start playing tasks in groups, thereby targeting the strongest contestant in the opposite group, as per the situation.
In the Bigg Boss Non-stop glass house, contestants are divided into two groups. We are not talking about the Warriors and Challengers groups that Bigg Boss show makers themselves did. We are talking about the groups that contestants formed as the days passed. Yes, your guess is correct. Bindhu and Akhil are the group leaders. The equations among the housemates are changing each day.
A few contestants are supporting Akhil and a few others are supporting Bindhu. Even in the nominations, that particular group is targeting the opposite group and nominating them. Bindhu fans and Akhil fans are having debates and indulging in war of words on social media about their performance and game strategy.
Bindhu fans allege that Akhil is playing a fake game and Akhil fans say that Bindhu is a non-performer and getting unnecessary hype. Anyway, these fan wars are common among Bigg Boss viewers. It is worth mentioning here that these fans wars create interest in watching the show. From day one of the show, Bindhu and Akhil's fans are having a virtual war on social media platforms, and it seems this will continue till the last day of the show. Let's wait and watch who will win the fan war.