Double iSmart Review, Rating: Double Frustration

 - Sakshi Post

Double iSmart Review: Utterly Disappointing


Jannath, a young woman who has moved to Hyderabad from Delhi, catches the attention of iSmart Shankar (Ram). While he flirts with her, Shankar also harbors a more serious mission: to extradite the notorious mafia don Big Bull (Sanjay Dutt) to India, seeking revenge for the brutal murder of his mother, Pochamma (Jhansi)


"Double iSmart" fails to live up to the expectations set by its predecessor. Despite Ram Pothineni's best efforts to energize the screen, the film suffers from a repetitive and uninspired narrative. The plot, which had potential with its intriguing premise of a memory transfer between the hero and villain, is weighed down by outdated storytelling techniques and lackluster execution.

The film's biggest downfall is its reliance on clichés. Puri Jagannadh rehashes elements from his previous works, making the movie feel like a recycled blend of "Paisa Vasool," "Liger," and "iSmart Shankar." This lack of originality drains the excitement from the story, leaving the audience with a sense of déjà vu rather than anticipation.

Moreover, the comedy track, particularly Ali’s role, is a glaring misstep. The attempt at humor with his character falls flat, coming across as crass and disconnected from the main narrative. This subplot not only disrupts the flow of the movie but also raises questions about the director's creative choices.

The second half of the film, instead of providing a much-needed twist or buildup, continues in the same monotonous vein. The climax, which could have been a saving grace, is disappointingly forced and lacks coherence.

In summary, "Double iSmart" is a missed opportunity, hampered by routine narration, weak comedy, and a general lack of innovation. Despite a few redeeming moments, it fails to capture the charm of the original, leaving viewers with a sense of what could have been.


Ram’s energetic performance

A couple of decent songs


Puri's Cliched Writing

Lewd, Vulgarity at Peaks

Lack of standout moments

Ali Comedy

Verdict: Double Frustration from Puri and Ram


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