World Motor Cycle Day: Riding for a Higher Cause, Story of Nepal Based Rider Pramod Shrestha aka Goofy

World Motor Cycle Day: Riding for a Higher Cause, Story of Nepal Based Rider Pramod Shrestha aka Goofy - Sakshi Post

World Motor Cycle Day is celebrated on June 21st every year. As the name suggests, on this day, everything related to motorcycles is celebrated. Coincidentally, the Summer Solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year falls on the same day. This makes it exciting for the riders to put on their riding gear, and zoom across on their bikes. 

On the occasion of World Motor Cycle Day, let’s look into the story of Pramod Shrestha, who has recently summited Mount Everest. Pramod aka Goofy is based out of Nepal and is a motorcyclist, an adventurer, a mountaineer, and an active social worker who loves traveling, exploring new trails, and meeting people. Riding with a purpose, Pramod has ridden for causes like the Sabun Pani Haath campaign with UNICEF, Mechi to Mahakali for Parkinson’s awareness, Earthquake relief efforts in 2015, and the Mount Everest expedition to raise awareness against Child Marriage in Nepal, to name a few.

  • Could you please tell us something about yourself? Early life, how did motorcycling happen, professional life, interests?

Born in Nepal, studied in boarding school in India- a huge influence on shaping the person I have become- tolerant, open-minded, independent, risk-taker, able to get along with people from various backgrounds and nationalities. 

Motorcycling happened when I used to sneak onto my older cousin’s bike and go on joy rides- this was when I was around 12. Ever since then, have been hooked to two-wheelers.

Had to start a professional career by working in the family business, but as soon as an opportunity arose to work with bikes, took the risk and started Himalayan Enfielders with a group of like-minded friends. Started in 1999, Himalayan Enfielders was at the forefront of introducing and popularizing motorbike tourism in the country. Since 2003, have been leading tours all over Nepal and India, Bhutan, China, etc. Feel blessed to be among the few who have been able to translate their passions into their careers.

As one of the founders of Himalayan Enfielders, the first Bullet club in Nepal, I feel honored to say that we were at the forefront of revitalizing interest in the bike and in introducing motorcycling tours in the country. 

Interests: traveling, exploring new trails, meeting people 

  •  For how long have you been riding? What was your first long ride? How old were you?

Been riding since my early teens- my first bike was Honda CB 100. 

Had many long rides within Nepal but the most memorable long ride and the first one over 2000 km was to Tibet in 2003. 

  • What motorcycle are you riding currently? and what are your favorite motorcycles?

RE Himalayan and RE Standard 350(1995 model). 

My RE Standard 350- my Kanchi- is my personal favorite. Its signature sound and thump, the history, it is a cult classic and that is what makes this bike legendary.

  • How did Royal Enfield’s association happen?

Since there were so few Enfield riders in Kathmandu in the late 90s when we started, it made sense that the one thing uniting us would be the love we had for these bikes. Thus, the Enfield became our symbol of commonality and that gave rise to the brotherhood of bikers we have in Nepal today.

You have been talking about some very pertinent causes that are not only prevalent in your country but in many other nations as well, especially India. How did this start?

During the Civil War in Nepal, we conducted two Peace Rides from Kathmandu to Pokhara and back, and the reception and response we received gave rise to the realization that we could use our rides to promote causes- however, small our contribution may seem in the larger scheme of things.

In addition to actively promoting domestic tourism in the country- some of the causes I’ve personally ridden for in the past include:

  1. With UNICEF on their Sabun Pani Haath campaign
  2. Mechi to Mahakali (completed in 22hrs 28 mins) for Parkinson’s awareness
  3. Earthquake relief efforts in 2015
  4. In the annual Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride to raise awareness against prostate cancer and mental health 
  5. My climb to Everest was to raise awareness against Child Marriage in Nepal
  • If you had to pick one memory, which is the most vivid of all the routes that you have covered till now?

Biking and leading tours is my profession. But the trip I took to Myanmar was just for me- to explore a new place and to ride for the sheer pleasure and thrill of riding. 

  • You have ridden in Myanmar, Tibet, Bhutan, India, and Nepal. Where all do you plan to ride in the future?

With road connectivity from Nepal to Bangladesh and beyond, South East Asia appears the most doable – so that’s the plan for the next ride.

My dream riding destination in Asia remains Mongolia- its vastness and the wilderness and me on my bike- that’s the dream! 

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