World Bee Day 2022 Theme, History and Importance
World Bee Day 2022: World Bee Day commemorates the birth anniversary of Slovenian beekeeper Anton Jana, a contemporary beekeeping pioneer. He was the first beekeeping teacher at the Viennese imperial court, having been born on May 20, 1734, into a long family of beekeepers.
Every year on May 20th, the world celebrates World Bee Day. The purpose of the day is to promote awareness about the vital role bees play in people's lives and the environment.
Bees are one of the hardest-working organisms in the world, providing enormous benefits to both people and the natural environment. Bees transport pollen grains from one flower to the next and assist in the creation of fruits, nuts, and seeds, all of which contribute to food security and nutrition.
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The theme for this year's World Bee Day is "Bee Engaged: Celebrating the Diversity of Bees and Beekeeping Systems."
What Will Be Done To Commemorate The Day This Year?
This year's World Bee Day, organised by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), will be commemorated with a virtual event. The major event will be broadcast in Spanish, Arabic, English, French, Chinese, and Russian, among other languages.
The event will emphasise the importance of bees and sustainable beekeeping methods, according to the official website. It will also highlight the numerous dangers and problems that these pollinators face, as well as their importance to human lives and food chains.
The ceremony will begin with a video message from FAO Director-General Qu Dongyu, which will feature bee and pollination specialists from across the world.
History and Importance
World Bee Day commemorates the birth anniversary of Slovenian beekeeper Anton Jana, a contemporary beekeeping pioneer. He was the first beekeeping teacher at the Viennese imperial court, having been born on May 20, 1734, into a long family of beekeepers.
Jana enrolled in the first beekeeping school in Europe in 1766. He then became a full-time beekeeper. He published a book called Discussion on Bee-keeping in 1771.
After decades, Slovenia recommended that World Bee Day be observed every year on May 20th. A proposal for the day was made at the FAO Conference's 40th session the following year. Finally, the inaugural World Bee Day was observed on May 20, 2018.
The day also emphasises the dangers bees face, and how any threat to their survival may have a negative influence on food supply, nutrition, and even entire ecosystems.