How Homeopathy Sorts Hormonal Imbalances and Treat Fertility Issues

 - Sakshi Post

Hormones play an important role in our health. They act as the chemical messengers that carry specified information from the endocrine glands to the target end organs and help in maintaining health and harmony in the body. Without these hormones, it is impossible for a person to be alive. The imbalance in the hormones can lead to various health disorders that may be life threatening if neglected. 

There are about 70 hormones secreted from different endocrine glands that help in regulating important functions of the human system. All the endocrine glands are controlled by the Pituitary gland that is situated at the base of the brain. It is called the Master of all endocrine glands. Just like the master of the orchestra controls the entire team of musicians, the pituitary gland controls all the endocrine glands.

Emotions play an important role in influencing the hormones and may either increase or decrease their production. For example, when a person is exposed to stressful circumstances, the Pituitary Hypothalamo Gastric axis may get triggered, and the person may suffer from gastric troubles. Likewise, when Pituitary Hypothalamo Ovarian axis gets stimulated, the person may suffer ovarian disturbances whenever she has been exposed to stress. This may result in ovarian dysfunction and in turn may cause irregularities in menstrual cycles and cause problems in fertility. The list of problems may be endless, depending upon the sensitivity and affinity of the person, the degree of suffering may vary from a simple irregularity in the function to overgrowth or over function of the organ or there may be destruction of the structure of the organ affected. The effect and outcome of these disturbances are named with different disease names.

The present treatment that is given by the conventional system of medicine is attempted trying to balance the end effect of the problem and try to give hormone replacement therapy in different hormone combinations. This may give some partial relief to the person but may invite a lot of side effects as well, as they are externally administered in synthetic form. As the root cause of the problem remains untreated, the affected person will suffer again and again from the same problem. 

Lifestyle Homeopathy on the other hand, treats the root cause of the problem. There are a good number of medicines in the system of Homeopathy that can balance the pituitary Hypothalamo axis at different levels. Homeopathy can relieve the different functional level issues, hypo, or hyper functioning of the organs and the destruction of the organs that may be triggered within the endocrine glands. All of this is done without giving any external hormones. As there are no external hormones given from outside, there are no side effects whatsoever with lifestyle Homeopathic treatment. Homeopathic medicines are given in tiny doses that are needed just to initiate the natural healing capacity of the human body. Once the natural healing capacity of our human system is initiated, it no longer needs further stimulus in the form of any medicine. Therefore, homeopathic medicines make our body heal itself and hence does not have a habituation effect and hence once treated with homeopathy, the cure is long lasting. 

With this method of approach, Lifestyle Homeopathy has been giving relief to all hormone diseases like Obesity, Diabetes, Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Hirsutism (Unwanted Facial Hair Problem), Infertility in Males and females, Hypo and Hyperthyroid problems, Hyper Parathyroidism, Goitre, Auto Immune Thyroiditis, Impotency, Libido problems in Females and Males. 
Hence Lifestyle Homeopathic Treatment is safe and scientific and is very close to nature.

(This article was authored by Dr. Sudheer Reddy Udumula, Founder of Wishealth Lifestyle Homeo Clinics, Ameerpet, Hyderabad)

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