Diwali Mantras to Chant During Laxmi Puja
Diwali is known as the festival of lights. But, in many houses, the festival starts with Laxmi Puja and thus firing crackers. However, during Lakshmi puja, Lord Ganesha idol should also be kept as a part of Hindu tradition. The puja starts with chanting the mantras of Ganesha and then the mantras related to Lakshmi.
Do you know that there are different mantras to chant for different reasons during the Lakshmi Puja? Yes, there are various mantras to get financial stability, for happiness, for spiritual growth and many others. Here are the mantras to chant during the puja
- Financial Stability: Om shreem maha lakshmiyei namaha
- For Health: Om NamoBhagavateMahaSudharshanaVasudevayaDhanvantaraye; AmruthaKalasaHasthaayaSarvaBhayaVinasayaSarvaamayaNivaranayaThriLokyaPathayeThriLokyaNidhaye Sri Maha Vishnu Swarupa Sri DhanvantriSwarupa Sri SriSriAoushata Chakra Narayana Swaha
- For abundance: Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Maha Lakshmi Namaha
- For greater happiness: Om Shreem Shree-aee Namaha
- For wealth and prosperity: Om YakshyayaKuberaya Vaishravanaaya Dhanadhanyadi Padayeh Dhana- Dhanya Samreeddhing Me Dehi Dapaya Swaha
- For overall spiritual growth: OM Maha Deyvicha Vidmahaye Vishnu Patnicha Deemahee Thanno Lakshmi Prachodayat
- Special Diwali Mantra: Om Shring Hring Kling Aing Saung Om Hring Ka A Ee La Hring Ha Sa Ka Ha La Hring Sakal Hring Saung Aing Kling Hring Shring Om
Besides these mantras, one can also chant Lakshmi Stotra, Lakshmi Chalisa, and Lakshmi Yantra.
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