Ambedkar Jayanthi 2021 Quotes, WhatsApp Messages, Status, Poems, Speeches, and Wishes

April 14 is observed as the birth anniversary of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar every year. The year 2021 marks his 130th birth anniversary. It is also celebrated as 'Bhim Jayanti'. While several leaders from the political circles, cutting across party lines have been sharing their thoughts on the departed soul and his ideals, let's have a look at some of Dr. BR Ambedkar's inspirational quotes, poems, speeches, wishes, WhatsApp messages, and status, etc.
Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar, was a scholar, a social reformer, and a celebrated leader who dedicated his life to remove the social inequality in India. He was a well-known statesman who fought for the oppressed and was the face of Dalits. He was a major architect of the Constitution of India.
Born on April 14, 1891, Ambedkar's reforms are remembered by millions of citizens across the country. They pay rich tributes to ‘Ambedkar Jayanti‘. To mark this day, let us remember him for his own words. Here are 21 inspiring quotes by Babasaheb Ambedkar.
Quotes by Dr. BR Ambedkar
1. "The history of India is nothing but a history of a mortal conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism."
2. "If you believe in living a respectable life, you believe in self-help which is the best help."
3. "I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality, and fraternity."
4. "I measure the progress of a community by the degree of progress which women have achieved."
5. "A great man is different from an eminent one in that he is ready to be the servant of society.”
6. “Life should be great rather than long."
7. "Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence."
8. " Political tyranny is nothing compared to the social tyranny and a reformer who defies society is a more courageous man than a politician who defies Government."
9. "The history of India is nothing but a history of a mortal conflict between Buddhism and Brahminism."
10. “If I find the constitution being misused, I shall be the first to burn it.”
11. “They cannot make history who forget history."
12. “Be Educated, Be Organised, and Be Agitated."
13. "Indifferentism is the worst kind of disease that can affect people."
14. "Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise, both will wither and die."
15. "Constitutional morality is not a natural sentiment. It has to be cultivated. We must realize that our people have yet to learn it. Democracy in India is only a top-dressing on an Indian soul which is essentially undemocratic."
16. "The relationship between husband and wife should be one of closest friends."
17. “Constitution is not a mere lawyers document, it is a vehicle of Life, and its spirit is always the spirit of Age."
18. "Equality may be a fiction but nonetheless one must accept it as a governing principle."
19. "Religion is for man and not man for religion."
20. "A bitter thing cannot be made sweet. The taste of anything can be changed. But poison cannot be changed into nectar."
WhatsApp Messages, Status Messages
“Freedom of mind is the real freedom. A person whose mind is not free though he may not be in chains, is a slave, not a free man. one whose mind is not free, though he may not be in prison, is a prisoner and not a free man. One whose mind is not free though alive is no better than dead. Freedom of mind is the proof of one’s existence.”
“If you study carefully you will see that Buddhism is based on reason. There is an element of flexibility inherent in it which is not found in any other religion.”
“If you study carefully you will see that Buddhism is based on reason. There is an element of flexibility inherent in it which is not found in any other religion.”
Caste is not a physical object like a wall of bricks or a line of barbed wire, which prevents the Hindus from co-mingling and which has, therefore, to be pulled down.
Caste is a notion; it is a state of the mind.
Ambedkar Jayanthi Wishes
He passed away, he was Bhima, He was the one who awakened the world, we have only read history. Happy Ambedkar Jayanthi.
So long as You Do Not Achieve Social Liberty, Whatever Freedom is Provided By The Law Is Of No Avail to You. Ambedkar Jayanti
So long as You Do Not Achieve Social Liberty, Whatever Freedom is Provided By The Law Is Of No Avail to You. Ambedkar Jayanti
Poem on Ambedkar
Today on whose birthday, we are singing.
To do something in life, we are learning.
By taking inspiration from which, going on the path of progress.
From heaven also, the rain continued to bless us.
Sun has gone to India, music is a teaser.
Those Yugnyaant Yugpurush Va Bhimrao Ambedkar.
Ambedkar Ambedkar Ambedkar Ambedkar ||
Speeches of Ambedkar
1 - Social democracy - What does social democracy mean? It means a way of life that recognizes liberty, equality, and fraternity as the principles of life. These principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity are not to be treated as separate items in a trinity. They form a union of trinity in the sense that to divorce one from the other is to defeat the very purpose of democracy.
In politics, we will be recognizing the principle of one man one vote, and one vote one value. In our social and economic life, we shall, because of our social and economic structure, continue to deny the principle of one man one value. How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions? How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life?
If we continue to deny it for long, we will do so only by putting our political democracy in peril. We must remove this contradiction at the earliest possible moment or else those who suffer from inequality will blow up the structure of political democracy which this Assembly has so laboriously built up.”
Liberty cannot be divorced from equality; equality cannot be divorced from liberty. Nor can liberty and equality be divorced from fraternity. Without equality, liberty would produce the supremacy of the few over the many. Equality without liberty would kill individual initiative. Without fraternity, liberty would produce the supremacy of the few over the many. Without fraternity, liberty and equality could not become a natural course of things. It would require a constable to enforce them.
We must begin by acknowledging the fact that there is a complete absence of two things in Indian Society. One of these is equality. On the social plane, we have in India a society based on the principle of graded inequality which we have a society in which some have immense wealth as against many who live in abject poverty.
2 - “On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a life of contradictions. In politics, we will have equality and in social and economic life we will have inequality.
In our social and economic life, we shall, because of our social and economic structure, continue to deny the principle of one man one value.
How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions?
How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic life?
If we continue to deny it for long, we will do so only by putting our political democracy in peril. We must remove this contradiction at the earliest possible moment or else those who suffer from inequality will blow up the structure of political democracy which this Assembly has so laboriously built up.”