How CEOs Personalise Their Fitness Regimens

 - Sakshi Post

Balance is the key to a successful life and these head honchos know how to get it right

Ever wondered how some of the busiest and most successful people find time for fitness? We bring you some secrets as to how CEOs personalise wellness regimens and make space in their days for healthy habits.

Alok Bansal – MD, Visionet Systems India and Global Head of BFSI Business: Alok approaches business and life with an attitude of moderation, balance and equanimity. Health for him is a holistic concept that includes mind, body and spirit.  He believes fitness to be a holistic concept and likes to keep both his body and mind healthy. As an MD and Global Head of a company, he likes to be at the top of his game, stay well-informed of international business trends, multi-task and handle the everyday responsibilities of his company with patience. All of this requires a lot of energy and Alok starts his day right by running and cycling to give himself an endorphin high. He also practices Yoga to sharpen his focus, calm his mind and disconnect from stress. Meditation gives him a broader perspective to not engage with minor irritants and helps him begin the day on a positive note. He is also a voracious reader and reads books that expand his world-view because he believes success and failure begin in the mind of an individual and every thought that one chooses should be one that enables one to move ahead, rather than slide back.

N Chandrasekaran - Chairman of Tata Sons: If there was a sequel to Haruki Murakami’s book, ‘What I Talk About When I Talk About Running’,  N Chandrasekaran would probably be the one to write it. A multi-award winning business icon, Chandrasekaran has been an avid runner most of his life and has successfully completed multiple marathons and half marathons.  Running is his favourite fitness activity because he believes running sharpens focus, removes one from distractions, calms the harried mind, teaches patience, perseverance, commitment and the importance of not taking shortcuts in life or business. No matter where in the world he is, he wakes up at the crack of dawn and runs to his heart's content. He also completed the challenging Berlin Marathon spanning over 42 kilometres in 2012 and continues to scale new professional heights, thanks to all the stored up wisdom running has given him.

Ajay Bakaya - Managing Director, Sarovar Hotels and Resorts: Success is all about going the distance and nobody knows this better than Ajay Bakaya who was a long distance cyclist  and ran regularly till a knee injury interrupted that passion. Cycling has helped him get back in the driving seat of a mental and physical wellness regimen, taught him the importance of time management, endurance, balance, patience and self-motivation. Cycling through  scenic locations like the Nilgiris, Dehradun and Mussoorie has also given him great joy along with cardio, weight loss and toning  benefits. There may be a life lesson in pacing yourself during an uphill and downhill ride and Bakaya has incorporated  it into his life as a leader as well. He also swears by a balanced vegetarian diet, an hour of meditation, gym or Yoga sessions, and this fitness regimen, he believes has made him a better leader.  

Nadia Chauhan Kurup - Joint Managing Director at Parle Agro Pvt Ltd: Multi-tasking as a mother while writing a corporate success story can stress anyone but not Nadia Chauhan Kurup whose day is neatly divided into personal and professional goals. Fitness is right at the top of her priorities because good health makes it possible for her to check everything else on the to-do list. Healthy meals, kickboxing, beach runs, horse riding and a treadmill jog are her go-to fitness mantras.  Reading is another passion that gives her mind some space to unwind and engage with other interesting worlds beyond the boardroom.  The key to fitness according to her is a structured and regular routine with enough provision for ‘me time’ which all busy business leaders must have in order to refresh their energy resources .

Nithin Kamath - CEO and Co-Founder of Zerodha; Nithin Kamath made waves on Twitter recently when he shared a picture articulating his stunning flab to fit journey.  The young billionaire shared that the pandemic ennui and love for sweets had made him pile on some extra points but he then started a regimen to regulate his meals and began a disciplined weight loss journey. Waking up early to work out, eating dinner by 7: 30 pm, cutting out sugar were some of the tips he followed to get back in shape. Home cooked meals and Keto sweets helped the 41-year-old reduce his body fat to just 21 per cent and he hopes to reduce it to 15 per cent by August. What his story indicates is that if a person has enough dedication and focus to achieve extraordinary corporate success, they can use the same drive to achieve seemingly impossible fitness goals as well.

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