UPSC Civil Services 2021 Interview Schedule Out: Check Dates And Time

UPSC Civil Services 2021 Interview Schedule: Union Public Service Commission has released dates of the interview for candidates who are selected in Mains which were held between January 7th to 16th 2022. UPSC CSE 2021 interview is scheduled from April 5 to May 26.
As given in the schedule, the UPSC Civil Services Personality test will start on April 5, 2021.
The e-summon letters of personality tests (interviews) of the candidates will be made available shortly, which can be downloaded from the commission's websites and www. upsconline. in.
The UPSC CSE interview will be concluded on May 26, 2022.
The UPSC Civil Services Personality test will be conducted in two sessions:
FORENOON: From 9 am onwards
AFTERNOON: From 1 pm onwards
"No request for change in the date and time of the Personality Test (Interview) intimated to the candidates will ordinarily be entertained," it was stated in the official notice.
"It may also be noted that if a candidate fails to fill up the DAF-II within the stipulated date and time, his/ her candidature shall be cancelled and no e-Summon Letter shall be issued to that candidate as instructed earlier in para 2 of Notice dated 15.03.2022 and para 5.2 of the Press Note dated 17.03.2022.
The candidates can check, the official website of UPSC for further details.
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