Sakshi Special Jury Recognition Excellence Award 2021 In Farming Presented To Chinnalamma

Sakshi Special Jury Recognition Excellence Award 2021 In Farming Presented To Chinnalamma

Chinnalamma a 75-year-old grandmother from Alluri Sitharama Raju district of Andhra Pradesh was presented the Sakshi Special Jury Recognition Award for excellence in farming and building a check dam that helps in the irrigation of the fields in her village. Sakshi a leading news channel and publication in the Telugu state organized the Sakshi Excellence Awards 2021 to recognize distinction in all walks of life.

Chinnalamma hails from Kimidipalli village of Pedabayalu mandal in the district where agriculture was the mainstay in the region. A widow, Chinnalamma’s children were all settled in other jobs, however, she continued to till her farm land. The idea of building the check dam was conceived four years ago when there was no proper irrigation water for the fields. That is when she got the idea of utilizing the water from upstream. Chinnalamma is known for her innovative efforts in diverting water flowing from the hill to her fields, by building embankments with concrete on both sides of the canal. She spent money from her own funds which included her pension along with the gold that she mortgaged in building the check dam. Not only her village, the surrounding four-five villages are also benefitting from the efforts of the grandmother who has proven that age is no barrier to innovation.

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