AP Government Allows Bursting Of Green Firecrackers For Two Hours On Diwali

AMARAVATI: The Andhra Pradesh Government has given permission for bursting firecrackers only for two hours on Diwali festival, which falls on the 14th of November this year.
As per an official release, crackers should be burst only between 8 PM And 10 PM and the Government has issued guidelines for the sale of firecrackers. This decision has been taken in view of the rising levels of pollution, while adhering to the guidelines issued by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) to decrease air pollution, according to a government release.
As per the guidelines, the state has instructed for selling and bursting of "green crackers" only. Keeping in view the coronavirus guidelines for the sale of firecrackers, there should be at 10-feet gap between each shop.
Customers should maintain 6 feet gap when maintaining a line during purchase of firecrackers.
The Government has also strictly instructed sellers not to keep sanitizers near the firecrackers as it poses a danger. Instead they recommended to keep soaps and water.
A Government Order (GO) has been issued by the State Health Medical and Family Welfare Department, signed by the State Chief Secretary Nilam Sawhney to this effect.