AP Forms High Level Committees To Evaluate SSC, Inter 2021 Results
AMARAVATI: The Andhra Pradesh government has set up a High Power Committee under the chairmanship of retired IAS officer M Chayarathan to work out the modalities to be followed in declaring results after the Tenth class Examinations were canceled in the State due to the COVID situation.
An order to this effect was released on Thursday. A. Subba Reddy, Director, Government Examinations will be the convener, and the State Education Research Research Training Board Director B. Pratap Reddy and Prakasam District DEO Subba Rao are the other members of the High Power Committee. Along with them, six experts from the education field were appointed to the committee.
This was ordered by the Director of the Department of Education, V. Chinaveerabhadra. The committee will suggest recommendations to the Government about how the marks for the 10th Class should be evaluated and results arrived at.
In addition, the Department of Education has also appointed another High Power Committee headed by M Chayaratan to decide on the modalities to be followed for the Intermediate examination results evaluation. Inter-Board Secretary V. Ramakrishna said that the results of the Inter-Board will be announced as per the recommendations of this committee.
The government of Andhra Pradesh had previously stated that the exams would be conducted with the student's future in mind. The examinations, on the other hand, were ordered by the Supreme Court to be annulled. Following the Supreme Court's ruling that the examinations be held by July 31st, Education Minister Audimulapu Suresh claimed that it was not possible to conduct the exams by that date and that the exams had been canceled. The Supreme Court's judgment resulted in the cancellation of both the Inter and SSC examinations in Andhra Pradesh.
Also Read: TS Inter Second Year Results 2021: Where to Check