No Takers For Bhuvaneswari's Crocodile Tears!

Nara Bhuvaneswari in her first public meeting shed some crocodile tears. Claiming that she had never appeared in such meeting before, Bhuvaneswari now admits the fact that she is coming out for her husband's arrest in skill development scam which caused loss to public exchequer. So, Bhuvaneswari has a personal interest - her husband's arrest. It is her agenda. Whereas, Bhuvaneswari had never raised her voice for any public-interest issue. Calling it as "Nijam Gelavali", her speech at Chandragiri the other day got very lukewarm response.
Bhuvaneswari kept repeating about Babu's arrest and his health concerns and security concerns inside Rajahmundry Central Jail. There are 2000 prisoners in the same jail. Jail authorities have evacuated entire Sneha Block for him and even provided complete security. Babu's health is thoroughly monitored by a team of 3 medical experts. Babu is being provided air condition and permission to eat home-cooked food. Despite all these facilities and the fact that Babu is in judicial remand, Bhuvaneswari crying foul about her husband is appearing quite fake.
The fake emotion evoked by Bhuvaneswari has no takers from the public, opine senior political analysts. Not to forget the fact that when YS Jagan was arrested, his family members too had gone through similar difficulties. Conveniently forgetting the past and political conspiracies done by Chandrababu and Congress together, Bhuvaneswari is now playing sympathy card. Even as the issue is in the courts and Babu is getting back-to-back setbacks from the courts, Bhuvaneswari and TDP seems to be not mend their ways.
The moot question is whether the people believe such crocodile tears of Bhuvaneswari? Well, it's a clear no.
Also Read: Politics On CBN Health To Gain Sympathy: Any Takers For Babu's Dramas?