Lizard Delivered By Walmart, On An Order For Bicycle     

Image of Mr.Lizard posted by the Riverside County Animal Services on their facebook page - Sakshi Post

In a bizarre incident, that took place on June 6, a couple from California in USA was delivered with a giant lizard on their order for a bicycle. Al Brummett and Chris Brummett, residents of Hemet, ordered a bicycle from Walmart as a gift for their granddaughter. While unpacking the same, they were shocked to find a giant lizard in it. The duo got frightened looking at the unwelcomed guest, and called up Riverside County Animal Services for help. Animal Services officers responded to their call and identified the lizard as a bearded dragon, an Australian species legal to be kept as pets in California.The bearded dragon, nicknamed Mr Lizard, were then transported to one of Riverside County's exotic rescue partner organisations.

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