The Infinite Time Infinity Watcher  

Nem : The Infinity watcher - Sakshi Post

For star-struck Indians this may come as no surprise but in an incident which is quite out of the ordinay, an independent artist and a Youtuber from the Charlotte town of North Carolina has hit the headlines for watching the recent Marvel flick, Avengers: Infinity War more than anyone else. Nem: The Infinity Watcher, as his twitter handle says has posted pictures of him at the movies on forty two occasions until now and the count is still ticking. In some of the pictures he even holds the movie tickets as proof. It all began on May 2, just after a few days of the release of the movie when no one knew how much of an obsession Nem actually had with Avengers: Infinity War. It was unstoppable from then, with pictures of his, at the cinemas pouring in on a daily basis. Recently, he also increased his number of viewings per day as evident from the pictures he is posting. While there is no such record for "Most Times Watch Avengers: Infinity War In Theaters”, Nem is certainly putting in his bid for some recognition.

His tweet reads--There are dedicated fans, and then there is @NemRaps.

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