ICSE, ISC Result 2018 Declared: Where To Check

ICSE and ISC results 2018 - Sakshi Post

The results of the ICSE class 10 and ISC class 12 examinations have been announced this afternoon by the Council for Indian School Certificate Examinations (CICSE). CICSE announced the result as per schedule at 3 pm.

"The council will announce the results tomorrow at 3 PM. The results will be made available through CAREERS portal, the website of the council and through SMSes," Arathoon said yesterday.

For results through SMSes, candidates will have to type ICSE or ISC followed by their seven-digit unique ID code and send the message to 09248082883.

In 2017, class 12th saw a pass percentage of 96.47, while 98.53 per cent students passed class 10th. In the class 12th examination, the pass percentage of girls was 97.73 per cent while that of the boys stood at 95.39 per cent.

From this year, the CISCE has decided to reduce the pass per cent for class 10, 12 annual board exams. While ICSE students need 33 per cent to qualify, ISC students need 35 per cent to clear the board exams.

Though initially the council decided to implement it from next year, months later it decided to implement the changes this year onwards.

Earlier, the pass percentages were 35 per cent and 40 per cent for ICSE and ISC students, respectively.

"The objective of this is to bring about a close conformity with other boards in the country," the council had said.

The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) class 10 and Indian School Certificate (ISC) class 12 results 2018 have been announced on May 14, 2018, (Monday), according to an official announcement by the Council for Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE). "Class 10 ICSE and Class 12 ISC year 2018 examination results will declared on 14 May, 2018 at 3 pm," the official announcement said.

A total of around 1.84 lakh students appeared for the ICSE class 10 examinations between February 26 and April 12, whereas more than 81,000 students attended the ISC class 12 examinations, which were held between February 7 and April 4.

The latest announcement by CISCE comes as a good news to the class 10 and class 12 students, since this year's results are scheduled to be announced much earlier than last year (May 29).

The ICSE and ISC results 2018 can be accessed in three ways. A direct way to get the results is the CAREERS Portal of CISCE, alongside the website of the council. Getting the ICSE and ISC results 2018 by SMS is also an easy way to get the results.

CISEC Chief Executive and Secretary Gerry Arathoon, in a press release, said that various ICSE and ISC schools can access the results by logging into the CAREERS Portal of the Council using the Principal's login ID and password.

How to access ICSE Class 10 Result 2018

* After logging into the CAREERS portal click on the tile 'Examination System'.

* On the Menu Bar click on 'ICSE' for accessing the ICSE 2018 Examination Results or on 'ISC' for accessing the ISC 2018 Examination Results.

* From ICSE/ISC menu, click on 'Reports'.

* Click on 'Result Tabulation' to View/Print the School's Result Tabulation.

* You may also click on the 'Comparison Table' to View/Print the same.

Students can access the results by logging into www.cisce.org or www.results.cisce.org

How to access ICSE and ISC results 2018

* After logging into the Council's website, click on the link 'Results 2018'.

* For accessing the ICSE /ISC 2018 Examination results, a candidate may select ISC or ICSE,

as applicable, from the Course option.

* For accessing the ICSE 2018 Examination Results, the candidate needs to enter his/her

Unique ID, Index No. and CAPTCHA as shown on the screen.

* For accessing the ISC 2018 Examination Results, the candidate needs to enter his/her Unique

ID, Index No. and CAPTCHA as shown on the screen.

The results of ICSE class 10 and ISC class 12 examinations can also be received through SMS.

How to receive ICSE and ISC results 2018 through SMS

* For receiving the ICSE 2018 Examination Results through SMS, the candidate needs to type his/her Unique ID in the following way, in the 'New Message' box:

ICSE 1234567 (Seven Digit Unique ID)

* Similarly, for receiving the ISC 2018 Examination Results through SMS, the candidate needs

to enter his/her Unique 10 in the following way in the 'New Message' box:

ISC 1234567 (Seven Digit Unique 10)

* Send the message to the number: 09248082883

* The result will be displayed in the following format: .


How to apply for rechecking ICSE and ISC results 2018 result

The Council has made a provision for the candidates to apply for recheck directly through the Council's website www.cisce.org .

In addition, the provision of applying for recheck of the results by the Head of the School through the CAREERS Portal is also available.

The online module for submitting the request for recheck of the results will remain open for ONLY SEVEN DAYS from the day of the declaration of the results i.e., from 14th May 2018 till May 2018.

How to access digitally signed copies of the Statement of ICSE and ISC results 2018 Marks and Pass Certificate

The Council shall make the digitally Signed copies of the Statement of Marks and Pass Certificate available for the candidates taking the ICSE and ISC Examinations 2018 through the DigiLocker facility established by the Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY), Government of India. In addition, candidates taking the ISC Examination will also be provided with digitally signed copies of the Migration Certificate. The digitally signed documents shall be available after 48 hours of the Publication of Results through the DigiLocker.

Signing up for DigiLocker (digilocker.gov.in) is easy - all you need is a mobile number. The mobile number will be authenticated by sending an OTP (one-time password) followed by selecting a username and password. This will create the DigiLocker account. After the DigiLocker account is successfully created, one can download the digitally signed documents issued by the CISCE.

Pass percentages obtained in major subjects in the ICSE and ISC Examinations 2017

ICSE class 10 results 2017

English 99.82 per cent; Bengali 99.80 per cent; Hindi 99.93 per cent; History, Civics & Geography 98.84 per cent; Mathematics 95.63 per cent; Science 98.66 per cent; Commercial Studies 97.87 per cent; Economics 94.09 per cent; Physical Education 99.97 per cent; Computer Applications 99.99 per cent; Economic Applications 99.97 per cent; Commercial Applications 99.96 per cent.

ISC class 12 results 2017

English 99.50 per cent; Bengali 99.84 per cent; Hindi 99.51 per cent; Economics 90.15 per cent; Commerce 95.52 per cent; Accounts 92.30 per cent; Mathematics 90.67 per cent; Physics 96.69 per cent; Chemistry 98.51 per cent; Biology 98.14 per cent; Computer Science 99.64 per cent

ICSE pass percentage region-wise in 2017

Southern region : 99.64 per cent (33,245) | Western region - 20,900 (99.64 per cent), Eastern region - 56,095 (98.22 per cent) | Northern region - 62,060 (97.85 per cent) Abroad: 100 per cent

2,106: Number of schools that had candidates in India and Abroad for ICSE Examination 2017

988: Number of schools that HAD candidates in India and Abroad for ISC Examination 2017


The Council has been so constituted as to secure suitable representation of: Government of India, State Governments/Union Territories in which there are Schools affiliated to the Council, the Inter-State Board for Anglo-Indian Education, the Association of Indian Universities, the Association of Heads of Anglo-Indian Schools, the Indian Public Schools’ Conference, the Association of Schools for the ISC Examination and members co-opted by the Executive Committee of the Council.


The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examinations conducts three examinations, namely, the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE –Class X); The Indian School Certificate (ISC - ClassXII) and the Certificate in Vocational Education (CVE - Year 12). The subject choices and syllabuses prescribed for these examinations are varied and aimed at nurturing the unique gifts of individual pupils


The Indian Certificate of Secondary Education has been designed to provide an examination in a course of general education, in accordance with the recommendations of the New Education Policy 1986, through the medium of English. Private candidates are not permitted to appear for this examination.


The Indian School Certificate Examination is an examination, through the medium of English, designed in accordance with the recommendations of the New Education Policy 1986, after a two-year course of studies beyond the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (Year 10) examination or its equivalent examination.


The Certificate of Vocational Education Examination (CVE - 12) has been created as an examination, in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) through the Joint Council of Vocational Education (JCVE) established under the National Policy of Education 1986. This examination can be taken by candidates after a two year course of studies beyond the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (Year 10) examination or its equivalent examination, through the medium of English.

The C.V.E. course is intended to prepare candidates for specific vocations. Private candidates are not permitted to appear for these examinations.

Watch this space for latest updates on ICSE and ISC results 2018!

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