Priyanka Chopra's cousin, actor Meera Chopra, who will be seen in the upcoming film Article 375 has posted a stomach-churning video where a maggot can be seen crawling out of her breakfast plate at a five-star hotel in Ahmedabad. She tagged the location as Double Tree by Hilton Ahmedabad.
The video was reportedly shot at her hotel room and one finds hash browns and an omelette. Then you get the revolting sight of a white worm, alive and moving through the food.
Meera Chopra says that she has been living in the hotel for the past one week and has been falling ill often and cited this as the reason.
The video has sent thousands of viewers into a tizzy!
The mess-up follows another case where a man dining at the Four Seasons Mumbai was charged Rs 1,700 for two boiled eggs, excluding taxes, mind you! The customer tweeted the photo tagging Rahul Bose along with the post. If you recall, Bose was also charged Rs 442 for two bananas at another luxury hotel. It was then that the 'Shaurya' actor started the trend of calling out five-star hotels over high price.
He posted a video complaining JW Marriott Hotel, Chandigarh had charged him Rs 442 for two bananas. The video went viral and was followed a meme fest. That's not all. Various brands cashed in on the moment and came up witty marketing campaigns.
After the Rahul Bose video came to the notice of Excise and Taxation Department, JW Marriott Chandigarh ended up paying a fine of Rs 25,000 for violation of section 11 of CGST which is illegal collection of tax on an exempted item.
Meanwhile, Federation of Hotel and Restaurant Associations of India has justified the high prices levied by the hotels saying, “Unlike a retail store where bananas can be purchased at market price, a hotel offers service, quality, plate, cutlery, accompaniment, sanitised fruit, ambience and luxury, and not the commodity alone. A coffee available at Rs 10 at a roadside stall could be served at Rs 250 in a luxury hotel.”
Also many netizens in tandem with FHRAI's view said that if you want luxury, you need to pay a price for it.
Also Read | How Much JW Marriott Is Fined For Charging Rahul Bose Rs 442 For Two Bananas ?
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