Why Asaduddin Owaisi Opposed Triple Talaq In Lok Sabha

AIMIM MP Asaduddin Owaisi
AIMIM chief and Hyderabad MP Asaduddin Owaisi raised a strong protest against the Narendra Modi government’s decision to criminalise the instant divorce practice, Triple Talaq, followed among Muslim community. The Lok Sabha passed the Triple Talaq Bill on Friday before it is sent to Rajya Sabha for final passage of the Bill. Here is the criticism of Owaisi
1. The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019 violates Articles 14, 15, 21, 26 and 29.
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
2. The Bill says that the marriage would be legal even if a man gives triple talaq (talaq-e-biddat) to his wife, and would get three years in jail.
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
3. How is it possible for a husband to give subsistence allowance to his wife when he is in jail? Why should a woman be in a marriage with and wait for a man who has been imprisoned for three years? और जब 3 साल के बाद वो वापस आए तो कहे कि “बहारों फूल बरसाओ मेरा महबूब आया है”?
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
4. I question the wisdom of the government by bringing such a Bill when the burden of proof rests with the woman. How can we expect that a woman's in-laws will testify in favor of her when their son is in question?
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
5. Why bail would be granted 'after hearing the married Muslim woman'? IPC 300 & 307 doesn't listen to the victim. If in a normal court of Law, prosecution argues against the bail and the court decides whether to give bail, why is the government deciding the same in this case?
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
6. It also says that 'an offence shall be compoundable, at the instance of the married Muslim woman'. But there is no such provision in S-498, Domestic Violence Act.
BJP औरतों को सड़क पर ला रही है, शादी खत्म कर रही है— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
7. In this bill, there's no presumption of innocence. Even Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, and acts dealing with terror have the legal principle of presumption of innocence.
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
8. 'Imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years' prescribed in the bill is against basic criminal jurisprudence.
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
9. I suggested that a condition should be imposed in cases of triple talaq where the deserting husband should be made to pay 500 percent of the Mehr amount to the wife in case of pronouncement of Triple Talaq.
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
10. At the cost of reiteration, marriage in Islam is a civil contract and not a union for “janam janmatnar”as in Hinduism. We will stick to our Holy Quran and Sunnat. No bill is going to force us to do otherwise. BJP needs to stop parading their ignorance.
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
11. As far as @BJP4India’s love for women in India is concerned, during the #MeToo movement, the government formed a panel of ministers. What happened to the panel of ministers' report? The group of ministers was disbanded. @BJP4India took no action against their MP.
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
12. 23 lac Hindu women have been deserted by their husbands. Rape survivors of the Muzaffarnagar riots who chose to report their sexual assaults were let down by the government and the courts, and there's been no conviction in any of the cases?
Where's their love for these women?— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
13. If the @BJP4India stands for women rights and justice and supports justice for women, why don't they get a special aircraft and fly all its female MPs to Sabrimala?
— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
14. I opposed and voted against the Bill since it is unconstitutional and anti-Muslim women. My amendments to the Bill were negatived in the clause by clause voting.
Thread end. #TripleTalaq— Asaduddin Owaisi (@asadowaisi) July 25, 2019
Also Read: Lok Sabha Passes Triple Talaq Bill
Also Read: Triple Talaq-Why Harsher Punishment For Muslim Men For Abandoning Wife Than Hindu: Owaisi