National Contest on Education and Sustainable Development

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Guru Arjan Dev Institute of Development Studies, Amritsar is organizing 2nd Paper Writing and Presentation Contest on the theme Education for Sustainable Development: Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges in the second week of February, 2018. Contest aimed to create awareness about sustainable nature among the up growing generation. This will help to reorient education towards sustainability, which in turn had the potential to impact the way people think.
For this reason it was important to look at ways in which one could effectively monitor progress and capture learning in the process of implementation. Contest will consist of two parts – writing and presentation. Students can contribute original paper in English only. Student should not exceed 18 yrs of age and enrolled in any of the school/college of Indian republic –government, aided or private/self financed. The word count of the paper should be between 3000 to 5000 words. Paper may contain figures/charts/Table etc.
Last date of submitting the paper is December 31, 2017. Paper ( soft as well as hard copy)should be submitted through the Head of the school under Government registered/speed post only along with a token participating fee of Rs one hundred per paper. Head of the school will forward all the papers of his/her school along with token fee as a single demand draft in favour of The Director, G A D Institute of Development Studies payable at Amritsar. Best 20 paper writers will be invited to present their papers at the seminar in the second week of February 2018.
Two Best papers will be selected from the 20 paper writers and presented at the seminar. Non presentation of the selected papers will amount to disqualification and have no claim to the award/participation. Certificate of participation will be awarded to all the participants. No award can be awarded depending upon the quality of the paper if the juries decide. RULES AND REGULATIONS 1. The theme of the contest is Education for Sustainable Development: Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Challenges. It will consist of two parts – writing and presentation. 2. Students can contribute original paper in any of the language- English only. 3. Student should not exceed 18 yrs of age and enrolled in any of the school/college of India– government, aided or private/self financed.. 4.
The word count of the paper should be between 3000 to 5000 words. Paper may contains figures/charts/Table etc 5. Last date of submitting the paper (both soft and hard copy) is December 31, 2017. 6. Paper should be submitted through the Head of the school under Government registered/speed post only along with a token participating fee of Rs one hundred per paper. 7. Head of the school will forward all the papers of his/her school along with token fee as a single demand draft in favour of The Director, G A D Institute of Development Studies payable at Amritsar. 8. Best 20 paper writers will be invited to present their papers at the seminar. 9. Two Best papers will be selected from the 20 paper writers and presented at the seminar. 10. Decision of the jury will be final and cannot be challenged. 11. Non presentation of the selected papers will amount to disqualification and have no claim to the award/participation. 12. Certificate of participation will be awarded to all the participants. No award can be awarded depending upon the quality of the paper if the juries decide. 13. Institute will not be responsible for any postal delay. For more detail/clarification or any query; please contact at 9914703461 or mail at