Minorities Commission for separate courts in AP and Telangana

Hyderabad: dhra Pradesh and Telangana Minorities Commission on Friday suggested that both the states should set up separate courts to try the offences committed against minorities and other marginalised communities.Abid Rasool Khan, the Commission Chairman, said that he hoped that both the state governments would introduce the draft Bill of 'The Minorities, Dalits and other Marginal Sections (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 2015' in the next session of the respective state Assemblies.
For the purpose of providing for speedy trial, the State Government shall, with the concurrence of the Chief Justice of the High Court, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify for each district a Court of Session to be a Special Court to try the offences under this Act, the draft Bill said.
According to Khan, the draft was prepared in consultation with senior lawyers and other prominent minority leaders. He said that once passed, the Act would be more beneficial for minority communities in terms of curbing atrocities against them. The draft Bill would be put up on the Commission's website for public comments, he added.
Source: PTI