Minister's wife blames western culture for rapes

Minister's wife blames western culture for rapes - Sakshi Post

Controversies continue to dog the Goa BJP government.Lata Dhavalikar, wife of Minister of Goa for Factories and Boilers Deepak Dhavalikar said "Incidents of rape are on rise, largely owing to the fact that women have adopted the western culture."It's time we took pride in our rich ancient Indian culture. Now, it has become trendy among Indian women not to wear the kumkum on their forehead, wearing tight and revealing clothes, trimming hair and making weird hairdo"
She further asked the audience at the function organised by the Hindu Janajagruti Samiti, to say 'Namaskar' instead of 'Hello' while answering a telephone call. She said  men should sport tilaks and women to put on bindis when they step out of their homes. she said Hindus should not send their children to  convents as they expose them to the Western culture. 
Congress strongly condemed Lata Dhavalikar's statements, Congress spokesperson Durgadas Kamat released a statements saying
 "This is a clear attempt to divide the state and country on religious lines. Linking rape to the Western culture and exhorting parents against sending their wards to convent schools reveals a sick mentality," 

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