Minister Ayyanna Patrudu Falls Off Bullock Cart In Jana Chaitanya Yatra

Vizag: AP Panchayati Raj Minister Chintakayala Ayyanna Patrudu fell off a bullock cart during a Jana Chaitanya Yatra in Anakapally on Sunday. The Minister and the local MLA Peela Govind were about to go around in the village greeting and waving to people all along the road as part of the Jana Chaitanya Yatra which is intended to publicize the government schemes and programs among people.
As the Miniter and MLA ascended the bullock cart, dozens of their close followers also got on to the cart causing it to break in the middle. Before taking any precaution, the Minister and the MLA fell on the ground and sustained minor injuries. However, the Minister continued his Jana Chaitanya Yatra in a vehilce later.