KTR to Contest from Bhimavaram on Telugu Rashtra Samiti Ticket!?
Hyderabad: A wizard of words Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao is liked by all Telugus in both the states; at least for his speech, if not for anything else.When he attended the foundation laying ceremony of Andhra Pradesh's new capital Amaravati some time back, the audience went hilarious when KCR appeared on the dais and applauded his speech all the while. Why was KCR so much appreciated by Andhraites, despite his ferocious Telangana movement which ultimately resulted in the bifurcation of the state? There was an interpretation of this at the time - Because of KCR the people of Andhra Pradesh are getting an all new capital city and that's why they applauded him.
Taking a leaf or two out of father's book, the IT and Panchayat Raj Minister KT Rama Rao said they are going to change Telangana Rashtra Samiti into Telugu Rashtra Samiti as KCR is loved by people of both the states equally. He cited the Amaravati incident to prove his point while addressing a gathering of Andhra Pradesh natives living in Hyderabad earlier this week.
"I have decided my constituency also - I will contest from Bhimavaram," KTR said in a lighter vein. I know people of Bhimavaram, mostly Kshatriyas, are like kings when it comes to playing hosts. They serve food liberally and won't leave you until you eat all the items on platter, KTR said and added that a trick to win election from Bhimavaram is to announce that cockfight would be made legal.
The video of KTR's speech at this meeting is going viral nowadays, much to the advantage of TRS ahead of GHMC elections.