Just out of accident, groom ties the knot while on a stretcher

Just out of accident, groom ties the knot while on a stretcher
Kurnool: An accident for the groom right before wedding is considered inauspicious and it is the girl who is blamed for the mishap. But, in Kolimigundla of Kurnool, a groom, who met with a serious accident tied the knot while being on stretcher and then went for treatment.
The wedding was to happen on Sunday morning at 7.a.m at Kolimigundla in Kurnool district. On the wee hours about 2.a.m on Sunday the bridegroom headed to the wedding place in a car. However, at Tollamadugu the car met with an accident and fell into culvert.
Along with bridegroom Lakshminarayana Reddy and his relatives were severely injured. They were shifted to a private hospital at Tadipatri in Anantpur district and the doctors suggested that he undergo a surgery.
However, the groom wanted to tie the knot first and then have the surgery. Accordingly, was taken to the ceremony place in ambulance having cloth tied on his leg and and he tied the knot to Lakshmi, the bride, while being on a stretcher. He exchanged the wedding vows with bride Lakshmi laying on the stretcher.
After the rituals ended, the groom was taken to private hospital at Kurnool