JNTU-Hyderabad Declares B.Tech, B.Pharm Results
Hyderabad: The Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Hyderabad has announced the results of B.Tech first year regular, supplementary and B.Tech, B.Pharm II-II,III-II supplementary November, December 2017 on its official website.
The results of BTech/ BPharm (4-1) results were declared in the first week of February. In order to check the results, one can go to epayments.jntuh.ac.in/results/ and Jntuhresults.in.
JNTU released a statement on its website, which read, "BTech I year regular/supply and B.Tech/B.Pharmacy II-II,III-II supply all regulations nov/dec-2017 examinations results published."
Students who who wish to go in for recounting or revaluation should apply before March 2,2018.