Jingle bells, Jingle bells, it is MP Santa Sivaprasad

Jingle bells, Jingle bells, it is MP Santa Sivaprasad
MP Sivaprasad is at it again! After dressing up like a poor man, and Indian mythological character, Narad, Sivaprasad has ushered in Christmas dressed up like Santa Clause. (Also Read)
On Wednesday, when the nation was celebrating Christmas, Sivaprasad took his unique way of fight for 'Samaikyandhra' to Chittoor, dressed as Santa. There interacting with children, he even distributed chocolates which had 'Samakiyandhra' written on their wrappers. (TDP MP SIVAPRASAD- BEFORE AND AFTER?)
As is the norm, he also had a song ready for the occasion, which included lyircs as, "Jesu Prabhu (Christ) will gift us 'Samaikyandhra'." He urged the kids to sing along with him.