Jealous Man Kills 6, When Told His favourite Prostitute Was With Someone Else

William Roberto Ferreira Costa and Dione da Silva Lima - Sakshi Post

A jealous customer, who found that this favourite prostitute was in bed entertaining another client, flew into a rage and gunned down six people including the said prostitute and her customer, before fleeing from the place.

Brazilian William Roberto Ferreira Costa, 27, had arrived at the Leo Drinks Bar prostitution house saying he wanted to spend the night with a particular prostitute, 30-year-old Dione da Silva Lima, but was told that he had to wait as she was busy with another customer.

This proved to trigger off a fit of rage in Costa who went back to his parked car and came back with a 38 caliber pistol and began shooting people in the bar. Costa, a hairdresser by profession, who is married and has a son, shot the 72-year-old owner of the bar, her 29-year-old granddaughter, a waitress and a 46-year-old prostitute.

He then burst into the room where Lima was entertaining her customer and shot them both.

Costa shot the bullets without letting the capsules fall onto the floor, or he collected them all up later, so as not to leave any traces

Costa reportedly fled the brothel on foot but left his car, containing his ID documents, in the establishment's car park.

He later gave himself up to police hours after the bloodbath on Thursday morning but claimed the murders were a crime of passion and that he had never intended to kill anyone.

The police however say that the crime was very calculated. They point to the bullet hole ridden walls of the bar and say that he had to have reloaded his weapon.

Also the fact that Carlo aimed for the victims’ heads and shot without letting the bullet shells fall to the floor or patiently picked them up from the floor before he left show that he was cold and calculated, police say.

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