Is AP Gov. buying Phone tapping equipment?

Is the Andhra Pradesh government planning on buying Phone tapping equipment? Has the Cash for vote scam provoked them into buying it?
According to the news published in Indian Express from the facts revealed by Wiki Leaks the answer has to be - Yes, it is
According to the wiki Leaks information published by Indian express the Chandrababu Government after the break of Cash for vote scam has allegedly tried acquiring phone tapping equipment at a cost of Rs. 7.5 Crore.
Wiki Leaks says the deal was handled by a Hyderabad based private company director Kasu Prabakar Reddy with orders from AP intelligence authorities
Wiki leaks procured the emails exchanged between Kasu Prabhakar Reddy and a spyware company regarding this deal.
Alarmigly this dealings started after the wake of Cash for vote scam