IMD declares RED ALERT

India Meteorological Department (IMD) obsevered the record temperatures in several parts of India and issued a red alert in the country.
So far, 427 died due to sun-stroke in Telugu states, AP and Telangana. IMD department predicted the soaring temperatures to further increase in coming days. The heat waves may continues for three or four more days. IMD suggested people take necessary precautions before going out in sun.
The winds from North-West India are causing the scorching heat in Vidarbha, Telangana and Rayalseema areas. In addition to heat the humidity is causing more trouble to common man. Hyderabad recorded highest temperatue in past five years. 204 in AP died due to heat waves , while Prakasham alone reported 64 deaths. 223 were killed by sun-stroke in Telangana in past five days including 67 from Nalgonda district.