I’m Not A Politician. My Only Special Interest Is Americans: Trump  

Donald Trump at Valley Forge - Sakshi Post

Valley Forge: Vowing to repeal catastrophic Obamacare and bringing manufacturing jobs back to America under his presidency, Republican nominee Donald Trump has said he is not a politician and is fighting the election to pay back the country that has been so good to me.

Addressing a campaign event here in the key battleground state of Pennsylvania just a week before the elections that focused on the issue of healthcare, Trump described Obamacare as a catastrophe which if not repealed would destroy US healthcare. He vowed that as President he will ask Congress to hold a special session in order to repeal President Barack Obama's ambitious healthcare programme.

When we win on November 8th, and elect a Republican Congress, we will be able to immediately repeal and replace Obamacare. I will ask Congress to convene a special session. Obamacare is a catastrophe. The President said if you like your plan you can keep your plan, if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor which may go down as one of the great political lies of the century. Even the skeptical Democrats believed him and approved the legislation. No one even read the 2,700-page bill.

Trump, who was joined by his running mate Mike Pence and former presidential contender Ben Carson, said it is time for a new leadership. The controversial billionaire said he is running for the President's post to give back to the country.

I’ve led a great life and I truly love our country. So now, I want to give back to the country that has been so good to me. And that is why I’m doing this, he told the cheering crowd. I am not a politician. My only special interest is you, the American people. The guiding rule of the Political Class in Washington DC is that they are looking out only for themselves. They will say anything, and do anything, to cling to their power and prestige at your expense, he said, adding that Americans are tired of being told to defer their dreams to another day, which in politicians’ words means another decade.

Trump slammed his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton for wanting to expand Obamacare and make it even more expensive.

The crowd shouted Trump, Trump and Make America Great Again.

She wants to put the government totally in charge of healthcare in America. If we don’t repeal and replace Obamacare, we will destroy American health care forever; it’s one of the single most important reasons why we must win on November 8th.

He also vowed to bring manufacturing jobs back to the country, saying states like Pennsylvania lost almost 40 per cent of manufacturing jobs since NAFTA, a deal signed by former president Bill Clinton and supported by his wife Hillary, came into place.


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