Hijras help woman deliver a baby in a train

Hijras help woman deliver a baby in a train - Sakshi Post

Aler: A group of Transgenders travelling in a Bangalore-Bhopal train Hyderabad has helped a woman deliver a baby while the train was on the move.

The couple - Maya and Chotu - from Bhopal was expecting a baby and the woman suffered labour pains as the train was approaching Ghatkesar area in Ranga Reddy district of Telangana. While Maya’s husband Chotu and the co-passengers were in a state of helplessness, the three Hijras namely Niharika, Jasmine and Lucia who had just got on to the same compartment, took the matter into their hands and helped Maya deliver the baby safely.
The train was stopped at Aler as someone had informed the engine driver about the delivery in the train. Also a 108 ambulance was called to the location well before the train halted at the station; both the mother and the baby were shifted to the Government Hospital in Aler.
Maya has given birth to a girl child and both the mother and the baby are said to be stable.

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