Heavy rains in state claim 17 lives, destroy crops

Heavy rains in state claim 17 lives, destroy crops

Heavy rains continue to lash many parts of the state even as rescue operations are in progress. Rivers, reservoirs are full and villages too are flooded.
Even port city Visakhapatnam reeling under the effects of Nilam. The coastal city seems to have been effected as bad as any other place in the state with non-stop downpour in the last 48 hours.
So far, the cyclone has claimed 17 lives in Andhra pradesh. Disaster prevention commissioner Radha said that the effects of the storm has been devastating, adding that about 480 houses have been fully destroyed while 766 others were partially affected.
This is not it, the statistics are disturbing to say the least...
- 26 animals have died so far due to the stormy weather
- About 2,43,634 hectares of crops have been fully destroyed
- Most of the roads in the state are in pathetic shape, thanks to the continuous rains
- About 50 water tanks have been broken
Rescue and rehabilitation efforts are on in the cyclone-hit areas. Disaster management team has been pressed into service to evacuate people and transport them to safety zones. Radha said the primary estimation of damage will soon be made.
Meanwhile, farmers' situation has gone from bad to worse. Earlier,farmers in the drought-hit areas were praying for some showers to save their crops. But now, the generous downpour have destroyed even the existing crops. They are demanding that the government provide suitable compensation to them.