He duped MLAs promising fancy phone numbers

He duped MLAs promising fancy phone numbers - Sakshi Post

A person, who duped people by taking hefty amounts from several person by promising them fancy numbers for their mobile phones, was arrested on Saturday.

Among the victims of the person, identified as Maddula Babu alias Deepak, are several MLAs. He posed as the CEO of a reputed mobile company and collected money online from the fancy number seekers. He used to trap them via Facebook.
He colelcted Rs 9.27 lakh from Chirala MLA Amanchi Krishna Mohan, Rs 64000 from Penamalur MLA Bode Prasad, Rs 42000 from Gopalapuram MLA, Rs 15000 from former MLA Anam, Rs 24000 from former MLA of Eluru.
The police arrested him and recovered Rs 12.20 lakh from him.


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