Government Mineral Water at Re1 Per Litre in City

Hyderabad: Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) Water Board is going to provide mineral water for the city people at just Re.1 per litre.
The branded packaged drinking water costs around Rs.15 per litre in the present market and even it costs more at cinema halls and business centers. But the Water Board wants to provide mineral water for the people for minimal rate of Re.1 a litre and the service will be maintained by private organizations.
The Board is going to issue a notification in a couple of days to invite interested organisations for the project. Water Board Managing Director B.Janardhan Reddy said the Board wants to introduce the mineral water vending machines like ATMs. He explained about the plan that the mineral water machine unit consists of a purification machine and a 500-litre capacity tank placed above it. The water from the tank comes into the purifying machine. Then the machine will give out the purified mineral water after a one rupee coin is inserted into it, he said.
The mineral water units will be set up at ten places where heavy movement of people is there - like markets and hospitals Gandhi, Osmania, NIMS and Niloufer Hospitals in the first phase. The machines will be maintained by private firms and water for these units will be supplied with tankers by the Water Board. At the mineral water centres, water will be supplied to people in bottles after it is purified according to the BSI standards.