Good Friday 2018 Wishes, Messages, Significance

Good Friday precedes Easter Sunday and is observed to mark the crucifixion of Jesus Christ
Good Friday precedes Easter Sunday and is observed to mark the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Why is it called Good Friday? Well, it was on this day God's son was ordered to carry the cross on which he would be crucified, according to Bible. Good Friday Siginificance commemorates Christ's death at Cavalry so mind you the day is not celebrated but observed to hail Jesus's sacrifice and be thankful for life. Special mass is held to pray for the departed soul.
Good Friday Wishes, Messages, Whatsapp Status
Today, meditate on the love Jesus had for us and try to channel such feeling towards mankind. Though we sins, we are capable of love.
Think of the sacrifice Jesus made on this day and the way it is reflected in the sacrifices all your loved ones make for you and be grateful. Have a blessed day!
Jesus loved us so much he sacrificed his life to take away all our sins, lets take a moment to be grateful for his love.
His cross was heavier because of our sins but he bore every wound he got with grace as he wished us well. Be grateful.
Jesus died for our sins. Let's take a moement to meditate on whether we are still sinning and what we can do about it. Stay pure!
God loved his human children so much that he sent his only begotten son to suffer, to be crucified & take on all the sins of the world and save humanity. Lets take some time to love him back. Have a blessed day!
He is the one who bore all our sins in his body so that we can live for righteousness. He took wounds on his body so that we could get healed. Let us take a moment to be grateful.
May the love of our Savior fill you and may his favour always be upon you.
I hope I am in your prayers as you are in mine, stay blessed.
Start this Good Friday with prayers and fasting so that we can earn God's mercy and forgiveness.
I hope I am in your prayers as you are in mine, stay blessed.
Praying for you on Good Friday so the Lord keeps you in his mind.
Here's a look at Good Friday tweets
On this #Good Friday let peace and love fill our hearts and our homes.
— Vijay Pandey (@vijayrpandey) March 30, 2018
#Good Friday
Dear Christian brothers and sisters see proof in bible— Gauri Verma (@GauriVe08953285) March 30, 2018
All matters to be removed today #Good Friday mood??
— Maphuti Demarys (@ladydemarys1) March 29, 2018
For #FriFotos Nun playing the organ on #Good Friday. #GoodFriday
— GeorgeGiunca180books (@180books) March 30, 2018
#good Friday
God created all the things and we don't know who is the supreme God every person who want to know please must Sadhna channal at 7:30to8:30pm— @Ankit7619886651 (@Ankit7619886652) March 30, 2018
I wish for peace & non polarised India on this #good Friday
— Shama Mohamed (@drshamamohd) March 30, 2018
#Good Friday
— All Saints' Choir KE (@ASCchoirNairobi) March 30, 2018
Manado City Government Welcomes Celebrating Good Friday for Christians. God bless.#Good Friday #ManadoCerdas #SmartCity #SmartPeople
— Kota Manado (@PemkotManado) March 29, 2018
#good friday
— Shortfundly (@shortfundly) March 30, 2018