Girl Student Goes Missing Due To Teaching Pressure At Narayana College  

Sai Prajwala (left) wrote a letter requesting the government to close all the Narayana colleges - Sakshi Post

Hyderabad: Unable bear the pressure by teachers, a 17-year-old Narayana college student from Medipally has gone missing. Though the girl disappeared on October 11, the incident came to light on Saturday after her parents lodged a complaint with the police.

Sai Prajwala is studying intermediate at Narayana junior college, Bandlaguda branch. On October 11, she went to the college and did not return to home. The parents who searched for the girl failed to trace her in the vicinity and relatives' houses. Prajwala also left a letter at home requesting the government to close all the Narayana colleges.

Prajwala also said that she did not want to study in the college as the management is harassing the students to secure good marks in the academics.

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