Tirupati: From mother to murderer ?

Can a mother who is considered to be the sole protector of her child, the first one that nourishes her offspring also turn into a monster that snuffs out the life she bore? In a recent tragic case, the mother, it is increasingly emerging, may have played an instrumental role in getting her son killed.
On May 31, a charred body of a 10-year-old boy from Jeevakonda of Chandragiri in Chittoor district was found in Thondawada. Shockingly, in the course of investigations, the police has taken into custody, the mother and driver. Their needle of suspicion is pointed towards the mother. Reportedly, the police believe that the duo are having an illicit affair and colluded to kill the boy.
Reportedly, Muralidhar Reddy, son of Muniratnam Reddy, employee of TTD Chairman's office, and a homemaker on Friday evening kissed his mother good bye before stepping out to play, only never to return. The next day, his dead, charred body was retrieved by the police.
The police identified the body as that of Murali, by the iron bangle (Kadda) on his wrist, and called his relatives. The Circumstantial evidence shows that the child was first mercilessly murdered and then burnt.
Seeing the charred body of their son, the inconsolable parents collapsed on the ground. Murali's grandfather, said," He told his mother he will be back in sometime, but now he has gone forever."