Love Horoscope: What This Valentines Day Holds For Zodiac Signs

Love Horoscope - Sakshi Post

February 14 marks Valentine's Day, a day when love is celebrated. This is a day when people go all out to be vocal about their feelings and be expressive about what they think of that special someone. While we have spoken at length about ways to woo her, how to impress him, romantic songs and also given you ideas to propose, we must tell you something more important before all that. And that is about what your love life looks like this year. Here's a peek into the love life of people born under different Zodiac signs. Shall we begin?

Love Horoscope Aries: A good year, as things will prove. Your relationship will look up and hit a high. What will please you will be the support of your special someone. That little wrinkle will get ironed out paving the way for a bright year.

Love Horoscope Taurus: Your patience will pay. This year will change things for you dramatically and of course, on a positive note. You will not regret the decision you took. You can count on family support.

Love Horoscope Gemini: Your problem is the same--you seem to be more in love with the idea of love. You may find yourself in a relationship which is a trifle too idealistic, but then you have only yourself to blame. You need to have one foot planted in the real world.

Love Horoscope Cancer: Your indecisiveness will end, and to everyone’s relief. A good year, in romantic terms, and one in which you will not regret loosening your purse strings.

Love Horoscope Leo: The lightning speed with which you find yourself in a new romantic situation will take everyone, including you by surprise. And how it’ll transform you!

Love Horoscope Virgo: You will finally make up your mind in the early months of the year. Your sensitivity will stand you in good stead. Your partner will lean on you increasingly, as never before.

Love Horoscope Libra: You will bond with your special someone with every passing day. Unexpectedly, you will find family support forthcoming. Your romantic travel plans will finally take shape.

Love Horoscope Scorpio: If there’s one thing your partner complains about, it’s a bit of whingeing from you. The fact that you take the extra effort to make your partner feel comfortable works in your favour.

Also read: How Much Love Costs: 77% Men Feel They Have to Pay for Valentine’s Day Dates

Love Horoscope Sagittarius: With your luck, things will swing your way. The clouds of uncertainty which troubled your most cherished relationship, will disappear. The later half of the year will take things to rosier heights.

Love Horoscope Capricorn: Initially, things may appear to be a bit off. However, you need to more patient. You will see your relationship hitting an upward curve. The minor irritants you have been facing over the past few months will be smoothed out.

Love Horoscope Aquarius: Your frankness creates half the problems in a relationship where your partner expects more tact. Things however, will settle down after the first few months. The most fruitful months, romantically, will soon follow.

Love Horoscope Pisces: You should stop keeping your cards so close to your chest. Your partner should be in the loop and you need to open up. Be more expressive and seal that relationship now.

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