WI-FI To God

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By Ravi Valluri

Sunder Pichai, the CEO of Google had promised Wi- Fi at 500 railway stations. This major electronic engineering feat was perhaps the next revolutionary step in facilitating seamless service to rail users. It followed the Passenger Reservation System (PRS) and the Freight Operating Information System (FOIS) which Indian Railways had witnessed in the past. The PRS and FOIS have been a boon to the harried customer in the passenger and freight segments respectively.

The passenger and the trader are now relatively at peace with themselves and sport a smile. Railways had to metamorphose its mind and thought process to automate the services it provides.

As a monolithic organisation, the railway bureaucracy was fossilised and adopted an ostrich like approach while dealing with its internal and external customers and also with rivals, thereby losing its competitive edge.

This cardinal principle of competitive advantage and adaptability also applies in our relationship with religion, spirituality and almighty God. Humans have been prisoners to an outdated pedagogy while approaching God. God, his representatives on planet earth (organised religious orders) and several self-appointed and mountebank spiritual masters have emasculated the human mind to tow a particular mindset.

The transaction between the Divine and the Bhakta has been constrained, as the transmission of knowledge and blessings have been clogged in drain pipes as the seeker, the devout feels impotent and weakly. The pontiffs, papal authorities are resorting to intellectual policing; thereby what ought to have been a seamless relationship has got ruptured.

Can we recall two path breaking movies from some years back, OMG-Oh My God! and PK wherein the relationship of humans and God was explored. In OMG a petty trader (Kanji, whose enterprise was to sell idols to earn a living) challenges the orthodoxy of the religious establishment by suing the creator for the ruination of his business, much to the chagrin of the priestly and spiritual class. Similarly, PK- an alien who is marooned on planet earth as his spaceship leaves without him- questions various religious and spiritual institutions with his child like curiosity, only to attract disapprobation.

If it was Lord Krishna’s flute and discus in the case of Kanji, it became the symbolic wrong number in the case of PK to dispute the indurate thought processes of a shambolic order who have propagated orthodoxy and ritualism among the devout.

A distraught PK was unable to connect with the Divine forms of various religious denominations and all his trials ended in a sandbox of wrong numbers. So, what is the right number? It is a Wi- Fi to God.

Let us for a split second assume that human beings and all the other manifestations of this grand design are like computers, smartphones or other electronic devices. The almighty God is an internet possessing the repository of knowledge with the faculty of creation and destruction. And we are wired with this internet through a Wi- Fi.

In the wired world all gizmos are connected to the internet through a Wi- Fi. Aberrations or disruptions in the communication do take place, when the battery power is low or due to software glitches (this can be attributed to low prana levels or diminishing of the faith in the almighty for a variety of reasons beyond the comprehension of the human mind). The intermediaries in the form of priestly class astutely blame these muddles faced by the gizmos either on the hand of God or lack of tapas by the seeker.

It may happen to inanimate objects as per some religious denominations. But verily we are animate and have a 24*7 relationship with the Divine. So on what plane does our mind operate to ensure that the wrinkle and blip in the consanguinity does not take place?

For centuries across the world, as humans evolved from the inception as mere nature worshippers to established religions the febrile human mind has always been inquisitive about the acceptable and bizarre theories of existence.

The human mind has always questioned the philosophies of existentialism, various religious orders and ritualistic practices to arrive at establishing a doctrine which makes him peaceful with his true self.

The internet (almighty God) in all its manifestations and myriad forms is approachable to bestow benedictions. However tragically it is the gizmo(humans) and his channel(Wi-Fi) which has transfigured and remodelled since perhaps the Big Bang!

The Wi- Fi is symbolic of a direct connection with the divine. There are no intermediaries needed to facilitate an audience with the originator. The devout or seeker does not require a special queue to have his darshan or reach the sanctum sanctorum. Neither does he require an emergency quota to board the heavenly train. There is no need to perform rituals, consult tarot card holders, visit places of worship out of fear, beseeching for mercy or boons. The sterling soul realises God through righteous living, by upholding Dharma, helping fellow humans and listening to the inner voice or our conscience. A chip is embedded in its DNA to ensure the divine communion which needs to be activated.

The enactment of yogic postures is a physical exercise for the body. The meditation which humans practice is to fortify and safeguard the comfort of our minds. But is our true inner self which pines for nourishment. And the Self is closest to almighty God which needs proper conditioning.

The Self pines for the divine, to remain in perpetual communion with the creator. Evolved souls like Radha and Meera, Buddha, Jesus, the Prophet through their unwavering surrender and belief remained in perpetual propinquity with the creator.

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