How To Say Happy Women’s Day in Different Languages on March 8 2021

International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8 every year with great fanfare . Instead of merely greeting people Happy Women's Day 2021, the International Women's Day 2021 will be marked with a theme titled #PressForProgresss to fight against gender parity.
International Women's Day 2021 Theme
As per UNDP website, the theme for International Women's Day 2021 will revolve around 'Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world. While the entire world is still limping back to normalcy and yet to come to terms with the pandemic aftermath. In this backdrop, women around the world must be given key role in voicing their opinion in decisions that affect the world in the post COVID era. This year's women's day is all about empowering women and giving them their due.
Why do we celebrate international women's day?
International Women's Day is also referred to as the UN Day for Women's Rights and International Peace. The primary intent behind marking the day is to celebrate achievements of women till date.
Why is women's day celebrated on 8th march?
The history of first women's empowerment dates back to 1908 in NYC when women numbering 15000 marched demanding the right to vote and better pay and work hours. The first women' day was announced in 1909 by the Socialist Party of America. But the proposal to mark it as International Women's Day was made by Clara Zetkin the following year at Copenhagen in an International Conference of Working Women which got unanimous nod from the participants and delegates. However, it was in 1975 that the United Nations decided to make March 8 the official day to stir women’s movement and emphasize parity. The theme based women's day celebrations was first initiated in 1996 with the topic "Celebrating the past, Planning for the Future."
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Different Languages?
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Arabic
وم المرأة العالمي
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Italian
Felice Giorno delle Donne
How to Say Happy Women's Day in German
Alles Gute zum Tag der Frauen
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Polish
szczęśliwy Dzień Kobiet
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Portuguese
Feliz Dia Da Mulher
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Swedish
Glad kvinnors dag
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Hindi
mahila divas kee shubhakaamanae
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Korean
yeoseong-ui nal-eul chugha haeyo
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Spanish
Feliz Día de la Mujer
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Ukrainian
Поздравляю тебя с восьмым марта
How to Say Happy Women's Day in French
Bonne Journée de la Femme
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Russian
С Международным женским днем [S Mezhdunarodnym zhenskim dnem]
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Malayalam
vanitā dinattinṟe santēāṣaṁ
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Kannada
Mahileyara Dinada Shubhashayagalu
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Telugu
Mahiḷa dinōtsava śubhākāṅkṣalu
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Gujarati
Khuśa mahilā divasa
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Bangla
Śubha nārī dibasa
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Urdu
یوم خواتین مبارک
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Chinese
妇女节快乐 [fù nǚ jié kuài lè]
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Espanol
Feliz Día de la Mujer
How to Say Happy Women's Day in English
Happy Women’s Day
How to Say Happy Women's Day in Persian
روز زن مبارک
How to Say Happy Women’s Day In Turkish
Kadınlar günün kutlu olsun!
How To Say Happy Women’s Day In Greek
Ευτυχισμένη η ημέρα της γυναίκας
How to Say Happy Women’s Day in Japanese
Kokusai josei day
So now that you know how to greet women on International Women’s Day 2021 in different languages, go ahead make someone feel special.
Did we miss something? Do let us know in the comments section below so we could add to the list. Happy Women’s Day 2021.