Dadi to vacate Govt quarters in haste

Dadi to vacate Govt quarters in haste

Disgruntled over denial of MLC ticket, Dadi Veerabhadra Rao, Telugu Desam leader, in a surprise move on Tuesday vacated his quarters in Ministers colony.
It is common practice that any member either in the Assembly or in the Council could avail some time to vacate the quarters he or she occupied in his status. He is said to be informed the Assembly Secretary that he was vacating the quarters. Dadi is likely to withdraw himself from the position as Opposition leader of Legislative Council and continue as only MLC. He has to hand over the post of Opposition leader of the Council to Ramakrishndu. But Dadi's sudden move shocked the TDP circles.
TDP leaders tried to pacify Dada after he was denied the party ticket for MLC post, but he was reported to be still in disturbed mood. He was invited on the occasion of filing nomination papers filed by party candidates Yenamala Ramakrishnudu and two others, but he did not turn up. His sudden move on Tuesday vacating the Government quarters showed his hard feelings against the TDP chief Chandrababu Naidu. The party circles are waiting in anxiety what would be his next course of action whether he will continue in the party or take any extreme step.