Crime Radar App, a checkmate for criminals

Hyderabad: ‘Crime Radar’ is a mobile App which has now become a most useful application for Hyderabad police in breaking the crucial and mysterious criminal cases very fast.
Hyderabad city police, who are a bit advanced in utilizing the technological advancements, are now able to break most of the complicated and crucial criminal cases using a modern technological tool— Crime Radar. Crime Radar is an application system that can bring the whole network of CC camera establishments and their places in the city into one and interconnect as a whole. The system is playing a key role in tracing out movements of criminals and their sketches including their identities.
Previously, police used to put a lot of efforts for the collection and analysis of huge data from the CC Camera footages and recordings from various places which was cumbersome and resulting in lot of time consuming and weary operations. To reduce the time consumption and faster collection and analysis of data, police need a modern and efficient network system and instant mapping of CC Cameras in the city.
For this, Crime Radar is formed by connecting and mapping CC Camera networks in the city. All the data of CC Cameras in the city is contained in this system/ application. When a crime takes place in the city, police are now able to find the CC Camera established points in and around the particular area and collect the data which can be helpful to probe into the cases and tracing out the criminals.
The Crime Radar or Mapping system is connected to Hyderabad Cops App and other apps that are being used by the police to easily trace out the details and whereabouts of the wanted or crime location when a crime takes place. The latest radar system played a key role and helped police find out the criminals in recent ‘Abhay’ kidnap and murder case.