Indian Cricket Squad For World Cup: A Time For Introspection

Indian Cricket Squad For World Cup - Sakshi Post

It appears selectors have to give a second thought about the combination of a balanced team to venture into the World Cup arena following the inconsistent performances of our Indian team which lost series against the formidable upcoming Australian young squad.

Though one cannot doubt the capabilities of the present Indian team, consistency seem to be the need of the hour.One man show cannot always happen in a game like cricket where fortunes keep fluctuating on either sides of the rivals subject to the weather and pitch conditions.

Adaptability comes along with the fitness of the mind and body as cricket is a mind game.

After trying various permutations and combinations, selectors have creamed out a bunch of best performers but speculation is rife that they have some surprises in store for them when they face teams around the world in the forthcoming world cup fixtures.

But if the fitness mantra is kept aside to some extent, selectors can opt for many other mystery bowlers and pinch hitters who can contribute to the team but they cannot afford to take such risks in view of tough unforeseen challenges they might face on foreign pitches.

It remains to be seem what strategies our selectors will adopt to pick final squad for the world cup.

Also Read: Pakistan Will Play World Cup

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