Chandrababu tying himself into knots over crop loan waiver

Chandrababu tying himself into knots over crop loan waiver - Sakshi Post

It's more than two months that Chandrababu Naidu has taken over reins of power in the state of Andhra Pradesh.

The chief reason for his victory was his promise of crop loan waiver. He told the people that he can waive both agricultural as well as Dwcra loans.
But, once on hot seat, things have changed and Chandrababu has been making U turn after U turn on the issue of loan waiver.
Immediately after the swearing in, Chandrababu's men began saying that  what would be offered was not a loan waiver, but loan rescheduling.
Then came another flip-flop. Chandrababu said only loans less than Rs 1.5 lakh would be waived. Babu further added insult to injury when he said that all those taking more than Rs 1.5 lakh as loan were not farmers, but fraudsters.
Pointing an accusing finger against the Reserve Bank of India, the TDP leaders tried to push the issue under the carpet. Recently, the RBI gave a shock to Babu by rejecting his proposal after scrutinizing his request.
The talk in the TDP circles is that the experts in the Chandrababu's team are faced with the herculean task of getting new ideas every day on loan waiver. Chandrababu has no hope on rescheduling and thus he is coming out with a new idea. Now the new proposal is that anyone who can pay should pay immediately. Later the government would refund the amount to them.
Here the million dollars question is how Chandrababu will repay the amount when the revenue deficit stands at a whopping Rs 16,000 crore?




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