Bride and Groom hire a helicopter ride, hold up traffic

Traffic was held up to land the helicopter on a busy street in Shanghai - Sakshi Post

Shanghai: A bridegroom in China who was hell bent on impressing his bride-to-be, hired a helicopter to pick them up from a busy street and take them to the wedding ceremony, causing a massive traffic jam in the process.

According to People’s Daily Online, the incident happened on July 24 on Nanyuan Road in Shanghai. Traffic was seen piling up as the vehicles had to make way for the helicopter to land in order to pick up the couple. The traffic jam lasted for over an hour and inconvenienced a lot of people.

The civil aviation authorities are investigating the matter as helicopters are not allowed to land or takeoff on busy streets. The pilot however claims that he had prior permission to land the chopper on the street.

The pilot claims he had permission to land on the street
Matter was brought to the notice of the Civil Aviation Authorities

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