Botsa bids good bye to beleaguered Cong

Botsa bids good bye to beleaguered Cong - Sakshi Post

Resignation of Botsa Satyanarayana, the former PCC chief and North Andhra strongman , from the party couldn’t have come at a worse time.

Already down in the dumps, the Congress in Andhra Pradesh couldn’t have asked for anymore trouble.

Botsa had for long been inactive in the Congress and had not participated in any major programme of the party. The Congress, which saw Botsa playing truant, had even announced that it had suspended him for ‘anti-party activities.’ But, it now turns out that Botsa had resigned the party three days ago. Interestingly, AP PCC chief Raghuveera Reddy said on Friday that Botsa would be making a mistake if he left the party.

Botsa is the only Congress politician who managed to keep his security deposit in 2014 elections. He polled the highest number of votes among the Congress candidates and was the only Congress MLA, who stood second in Assembly elections.


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