Birthday Tragedy: 2 Boys Die After Mistakenly Consuming Chemical 

Sahil singh (left) and Manish Shankar Singh - Sakshi Post

Bengaluru: Birthday celebration of a boy turned tragic after he and his friend consumed a poisonous chemical mistaking it for drinking water on Wednesday.

The birthday boy Sahil Singh(8) invited his friend Manish Shankar Singh(9) to the party where the duo played for some time and consumed the toxic substance thinking it as drinking water. The two families reside at fifth floor and ninth floor of the same apartment.

According to the police, the boys while playing went to fifth floor to Manish's house and consumed the chemical which was kept near the water bottles. As Manish's father is a goldsmith he kept toxic liquid in his home, which is used for dissolving gold.

Soon after drinking the toxic substance, they started vomiting and were shifted to a hospital where they were declared brought dead.

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