Best Quotes of Sathya Sai Baba On His Birth Anniversary

Sathya Sai Baba  - Sakshi Post

“Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it.”  

“The end of education is character”

“Before you speak, ask yourself: Is it kind, is it necessary, is it true, does it improve the silence?” 

“Love is selflessness, Self is lovelessness” 

“Good company is important, it helps to cultivate good qualities” 

“Be simple and sincere”

“Learn to speak what you feel, and act what you speak.”

“If you honour your mother, the Mother of the Universe will guard you against harm”

“Do not get attached to worldly things and pursuits. Be in the world, but do not let the world be in you”

“Being a good example is the best form of service” 

“When the sun rises and shines,Not all the lotus buds in the lakes and ponds bloom,Only those that are ready, do.The rest have to bide their time,But all are destined to bloom,All have to fulfill that destiny.There is no need to despair” 

“Do not use poisonous words against anyone, for words wound more fatally than even arrows” 

“Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with GOD, that is the state of meditation” 

“Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker” 

“Spiritual discipline is the cultivation of Love. Be full of Love. taste the exhilaration that Love can confer. Let everyone see your exuberant with light and joy” 

“Man will realize his mission on earth when he knows himself as divine and reveres others as divine” 

“You must welcome tests because it gives you confidence and it ensures promotion” 

“The end of Wisdom is freedom. The end of culture is perfection. The end of knowledge is love. The end of education is character”

“The moment you resent a person, you become his slave. Living with resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to get sick. The person who is the focus of your animosity may be feeling just fine, enjoying life, and not troubled while you are letting them rent space in your brain. Resentment gives you illusions of strength”

“Drop the delusion that you have become old or diseased, or that you have become weak and debilitated. Some people begin to count the years and grieve over advancing age and shudder like cowards afraid of death. But remember, elation is heaven, despondency is hell. Have always some work to do, and do it well that you will get joy” 

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